There is a set of words that do not fall into any of the categories above and are feminine only because the Arabs decided to treat them as such. The Arabic term for this
is مُؤَنَّثٌ سَمَاعِيٌّ.
Land |
اَرْضٌ |
War |
حَرْبٌ |
Wind |
رِيْحٌ |
Sky |
سَمآءٌ |
Well |
بِئْرٌ |
Sun |
شَمْسٌ |
House |
دَارٌ |
Person |
نَفْسٌ |
Cup |
کَأْسٌ |
Fire |
نَارٌ |
Wine |
خَمْرٌ |
Bucket |
دَلْوٌ |
Hellfire |
جَهَنَّمُ |
Path |
سَبِيْلٌ |
Hellfire |
سَعِيْرٌ |
Path |
طَرِيْقٌ |
Staff |
عَصا |
The following story will help you remember these words and their definitions.
During a حرب a soldier was daydreaming, looking up at the سماء until the شمس came up. When he snapped out of it, he realized that he was the only نفس left on the battlefield. He was surrounded by نار, so he used a دلو full of water to make a سبيل and طريق for himself to a safer أرض. In the hot, blowing ريح, he was desperately looking for a بئر to draw more water from. In his search, he found an empty دار inside which there was a كأس full of خمر. He remembered his fear of جهنم and السعير, and he used his عصا to strike the drink.