4.2 اسم الإشارة والمشار إليه
This fragment is made up of two parts. The first is a pointing word, اسم الإشارة.The second is that which is being pointed at, المشار إليه. An example of such a fragment in English would be “that cow.” “That” would be اسم الإشارة and “cow” would be the مشار إليه.
The grammatical rules for this fragment are as follows:
1) The اسم الإشارة and the مشار إليه must MATCH IN ALL FOUR PROPERTIES.
2) The مشار إليه MUST HAVE AN ال ON IT.
3) Nothing can come between الإشارة اسم and its مشار إليه.
Below are the الأسْماء الإشارة used for pointing at something that is NEAR. MEMORIZE them along with their meaning.
هَؤُلآءِ |
هَذانِ |
هَذا |
These |
Both of these |
This |
هَؤُلآءِ |
هَتَانِ |
هَذِهِ |
These |
Both of these |
This |
Below are the الأسْماء الإشارة used for pointing at something that is FAR. MEMORIZE them along with their meaning.
أُوْلائِكَ |
ذَانِكَ |
ذَالِكَ |
Those |
Both of those |
That |
أُوْلائِكَ |
تَانِكَ |
تِلْكَ |
Those |
Both of those |
That |
Recall that the SINGULAR and PLURAL versions of pointers are NON-FLEXIBLE. The PAIR version, on the other hand functions like the normal pair ending combination we know from the مسلم chart. Below are the نصب and جر versions of the pair. MEMORIZE them.
جر/ نصب |
رفع |
هَذَيْنِ |
هَذانِ |
هَتَيْنِ |
هَتَانِ |
ذَيْنِكَ |
ذَانِكَ |
تَيْنِكَ |
تَانِكَ |
Let us take a look at a few examples.
ذَالِكَ الكِتابُ
That book
الكِتابُ |
ذَلِكَ |
المشار إليه Status: رفع Number: singular Gender: masculine Type: proper (has ال) |
اسم الإشارة Status: رفع Number: singular Gender: masculine Type: proper |
أُوْلائِكَ الرُّسُلُ
Those prophets
الرُّسُلُ |
أُوْلائِكَ |
المشار إليه Status: رفع Number: plural Gender: masculine Type: proper (has ال) |
اسم الإشارة Status: رفع Number: plural Gender: masculine Type: proper |
هَؤُلآءِ القَوْمُ
This nation
القَوْمُ |
هَؤُلآءِ |
المشار إليه Status: رفع Number: plural Gender: masculine Type: proper (has ال) |
اسم الإشارة Status: رفع Number: plural Gender: masculine Type: proper |
هَذا القُرْآنُ
This Quran
الفاسِقِيْنَ |
القَوْمَ |
المشار إليه Status: رفع Number: singular Gender: masculine Type: proper (has ال) |
اسم الإشارة Status: رفع Number: singular Gender: masculine Type: proper |
Keep in mind that most اسم الإشارة are non-flexible so they don’t show different endings for different statuses.
If we look at our list of fragments and try to plug in اسم الإشارة in the place of an اسم we would find it in the following fragments:
1) After a حرف جرّ in a جار و مجرور fragment.
2) After a حرف نصب in a حرف النصب و اسمها fragment.
3) Or as a مضاف إليه in an إضافة fragment.
We would not find it in a موصوف وصفة or as a مضاف because it does not make sense in the language. Take a look at the following examples.
في هَذا
In this
هَذا |
في |
مجرور |
حرف جرّ |
إنَّ هَؤُلآءِ
Certainly this
هَؤُلآءِ |
إنَّ |
اسمها |
حرف نصب |
بعد ذَالِكَ
After that
ذَلِكَ |
بعد |
مضاف إليه |
مضاف |
In addition to the basic examples mentioned above, we also find اسم الإشارة in more complex fragments. We find an اسم الإشارة ومشار إليه fragment connected to another fragment. For example, if I wanted to say “in this house”, in Arabic I would writeفِي هَذا البيتِ . Notice that we have a جار و مجرور fragment and a اسم الإشارة ومشار إليه.Recall that the اسم الإشارة and the مشارإليه must MATCH IN ALL FOUR PROPERTIES, therefore they must match in status. In the above example, فِي هَذا البيتِ, we see the effect of the حرف جر transfer through the اسم الإشارة and we see the مشار إليه in جر status. Take a look at the following examples.
لِهَؤُلاءِ القَوْمِ
For this nation
القَوْمِ |
لِهَؤُلاءِ |
المشار إليه Status: جر Number: plural Gender: masculine Type: proper (has ال) |
اسم الإشارة Status: جر Number: plural Gender: masculine Type: proper |
إِنَّ هَذا القُرآنَ
Certainly this Quran
القُرآنَ |
إِنَّ هَذا |
المشار إليه Status: نصب Number: singular Gender: masculine Type: proper (has ال) |
اسم الإشارة Status: نصب Number: singular Gender: masculine Type: proper |
Here are some more examples:
مِنْ هَذِهِ القريةِ
From this town
بَيْتُ ذَالِكَ الرجُلِ
House of that man
In the above examples, an easy way to figure out the status of the مشار إليه is to think of the اسم الإشارة as a pipe that transfers any status changes through it directly to the مشار إليه.
Recall that a مضاف CANNOT have an ال .Recall also that the مشار إليه MUST have an ال .So, when pointing at an إضافة how are these two rules reconciled? How would you point, for instance, at the fragment بَيْتُ الله? هَذا بَيْتُ الله would not be a fragment because there is no ال on the word following the اسم الإشارة. On the other hand, هَذا البَيْتُ الله would be incorrect, because بيت is a مضاف and cannot take an ال.
The solution is to place the اسم الإشارة AFTER the إضافة. The correct way to point at the fragment بَيْتُ الله would be بَيْتُ الله هَذا. Take a look at the following examples.
في عامِهِمْ هَذا
In this year of theirs
بِوَرِقِكُمْ هَذِهِ
With this silver coin of yours
لِقاءَ يَوْمِكُمْ هَذا
The meeting of this day of yours
➢ DRILL 2 Choose the appropriate pointer to create an اسم الإشارة والمشار إليه fragment. Say whether it should come before (B) or after (A).
If far to you |
If near to you |
Before or After |
Word |
__________ |
__________ |
B / A |
القَوْمُ |
__________ |
__________ |
B / A |
قَوْمِي |
__________ |
__________ |
B / A |
اليَوْمُ |
__________ |
__________ |
B / A |
يَوْمِنا |
__________ |
__________ |
B / A |
ناقَةُ الله |
__________ |
__________ |
B / A |
الغُلامَيْنِ |
__________ |
__________ |
B / A |
نِساءِ العالَمِيْنَ |