إضافة CHAINS

Take a look at the fragment “my mother’s food” or “the food of the mother of mine.” Notice that in this fragment, the word “of” appears twice. The presence of more than one “of” creates what we call an إضافة chain. In this chain, the middle word “mother” is a إليه مضاف to the word before it “food” and a مضاف to the word after it “mine”. In a chain, any word that appears between two other words serves as a إليه مضاف to the word before it and a مضاف to the word after it.

مَالِكِ يَوْمِ الدِّيْنِ

The Master of the Day of Judgement




followed by جر

مجرور Light

No  ال

both a مضاف

and a إليه مضاف


No  ال

أَمْرِ رَبِّهِ

His Master’s command






attached pronoun as

إليه مضاف

مجرور Light

No  ال

both a مضاف

and a إليه مضاف


No  ال

 ذِكْرُ رَحْمَتِ رَبِّكَ

The mention of the mercy of your Master





attached pronoun as

إليه مضاف



No  ال



No  ال


No  ال


When determining whether something is an إضافة or not, put it to a three-question test:

1.      Is the first word light?

2.       Does the first word have NO ال?

3.      Is the second word مجرور?

If the answer to all three of these questions is “yes,” it is an إضافة. Otherwise, it is not.

·       Remember that the مضاف can be in any status.

·       Remember that partly-flexible words take a فتحة in the جر status.

·       Remember that non-flexible words cannot show their جر. If the first word looks like a مضاف, assume that the non-flexible word that follows it is a إليه مضاف.